Unlocking the Benefits of Quality Sleep for University Students

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As a mental health clinician, I treat and support many students for a variety of issues, most of which can and are rectified by simply implementing good Sleep Hygiene.  

As university students, you may often find yourselves caught in a whirlwind of academic, social, and personal responsibilities. It's no secret that the demands of higher education can be overwhelming, often leading to sleep deprivation. However, we must recognise the pivotal role that sleep plays in our overall well-being and academic success. In this blog, I will explore the numerous benefits of quality sleep for university students and shed light on the importance of prioritising our sleep routines.

1. Enhanced Cognitive Function: One of the most significant advantages of getting enough sleep is improved cognitive function. Quality sleep has been linked to enhanced concentration, attention span, ...

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  • Sleep

Culture Shock: A Guide for Study Abroad Students in the UK

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Studying abroad in the UK is an exciting and enriching experience. It offers students the chance to explore a new country, immerse themselves in a different culture, and gain a global perspective. However, along with all the excitement, it's common for study abroad students to experience culture shock. Culture shock is a natural reaction to the unfamiliar environment and customs you encounter when living in a foreign country. In this blog, I will highlight some common challenges and offer tips to help you navigate culture shock during your study abroad program in the UK.

1. Understand the Stages of Culture Shock: Culture shock typically occurs in four stages: the honeymoon stage, the frustration stage, the adjustment stage, and the acceptance stage. The honeymoon stage is characterised by excitement and fascination with the new culture. However, as time passes, you may start feeling frustrated or ov ...

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  • Student Culture Shock

Understanding ADHD: A Guide for Students in UK Schools

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As a psychotherapist working in the education sector I come across this disorder frequently, and the behaviours associated with it are often dismissed or overlooked as the student being naughty.

However, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a recognised neurodevelopmental disorder that affects many students in UK schools. It can present challenges in academic settings, but with proper understanding and support, students with ADHD can thrive and reach their full potential. In this blog, I will explain what ADHD is, its impact on students, and provide strategies to help students with ADHD succeed in the UK school environment.

  1. What is ADHD? ADHD is a condition that affects a person's ability to pay attention, co ...

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    • ADHD

Tips to Ensure Better Morning's

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So many people struggle to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. They might feel like they’ve tried everything to combat this—from drinking triple espressos to taking icy cold showers—yet nothing seems to work. So, what does work?

The below research based 10 tips will help you wake up feeling refreshed. The information will also help you learn how to have a better night’s sleep, get moving in the morning, and make mornings more pleasant. Some of the tips included are:

  • Practice sleep hygiene
  • Don’t hit snooze
  • Let in natural light
  • Have something to look forward to
  • Eat a good breakfast

The tips suggested are brief, easy to understand, and effecti ...

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  • Sleep




