Tips to Ensure Better Morning's

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So many people struggle to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. They might feel like they’ve tried everything to combat this—from drinking triple espressos to taking icy cold showers—yet nothing seems to work. So, what does work?

The below research based 10 tips will help you wake up feeling refreshed. The information will also help you learn how to have a better night’s sleep, get moving in the morning, and make mornings more pleasant. Some of the tips included are:

  • Practice sleep hygiene
  • Don’t hit snooze
  • Let in natural light
  • Have something to look forward to
  • Eat a good breakfast

The tips suggested are brief, easy to understand, and effective. This information can be especially useful for clients dealing with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or chronic pain, all of which may negatively impact sleep.


Start With Sleep

1. Make sleep a priority. Even when life gets busy, don’t sacrifice your sleep. A good night’s rest will make your morning much easier.

2. Practice sleep hygiene. Exercise regularly, avoid caffeine at night, power down electronics an hour before bedtime, and do a calming activity (reading a book, journaling) before going to bed.

3. Stay on schedule. Though it’s tempting to sleep in, keep a consistent bedtime and wakeup time, even on weekends.

Rise & Shine

4. Wake up to good music or a pleasant alarm sound. Research has shown it is better to wake up to sounds that make you feel good, rather than startled.

5. Don’t hit snooze. Set your alarm before bed, then put it out of arm’s reach. When you wake up in the morning, stay up! Interrupted sleep isn’t as restorative anyway.

6. “Feet on the floor.” As soon as you wake up, get out of bed! Try using the mantra “Feet on the floor.” This will help you avoid rolling over for a few extra minutes of sleep.

7. Let in natural light. Getting some sunshine in the morning will help you feel more awake. Open the curtains before you go to bed, or step outside for a few minutes before starting your morning routine.

Make your mornings pleasant

8. Wake up earlier. It might seem counterintuitive, but waking up earlier may be one of the keys to waking up better. Having more time will let you move calmly and peacefully through your morning, rather than rushing.

9. Have something to look forward to. Find something that will motivate you to get up and get going in the morning. It might be as simple as a good cup of coffee or a new podcast for your morning commute.

10. Eat a good breakfast. Consistently eating a healthy breakfast can help you feel more alert in the mornings, and may even put you in a better mood.





